Dozmary Pool, Cornwall - final resting place of Excalibur?

Dozmary Pool, Cornwall

Dozmary Pool is found in an atmospheric setting high on Bodmin Moor south of the Cornish town of Bolventor. According to local tradition, it was Dozmary Pool that Sir Bedivere finally threw Excalibur. After 3 attempts to relinquish the sword, he finally managed to comply with King Arthur's wish and threw it into the lake, an arm rose from the surface of lake, caught the sword and vanished back inot the lake with it.

Arthur received his mortal wound at the Battle of Camlan. One of the possible sites for the Battle of Camlann is at Slaughter Bridge near the River Cam, which is only ten miles away from Dozmary Pool. Arthur may have held court at the nearby earthenwork fort of Killibury Castle. Tintagel, where Arthur is said to have been born, is twenty miles away. So the area does have many Arthurian links.

A story claims that Dozmary Pool is bottomless. However during the droughts in 1859 and 1976 it dried out to show a shallow lake bed - and no sword! Dozmary Pool is comparatively small, and certainly not deep.

Cornwall sites with King Arthur connections